
How components work together, mostly interfaces, no inner workings

Set up an experiment by modifying the training config in and starting During the initialization of each experiment a folder for saving tensorboard, models and config files is created in a results folder at the project root level. It is also possible to reload previous experiments by passing the base_experiment key in the config. The environment orchestrator handles the creation and communication with the number_envs environments by spawning each environment in a process using the native multiprocessing package of python. Environments (currently are composed of a robot and a task which the user can combine in arbitrary ways. During initialization the environments return the observation and action space to the trainer which initializes the agent using these. Additionally the success criterion and the reward function are passed back to the trainer from the respective task. The success criterion is used to determine the test_success_ratio which is the number of concluded test runs with success_criterion=True compared to the total number of tests for the current test period. If the previous best ratio is outperformed, the agent is saved to the model directory. Success criterion- and reward function are set in the specific task file. This file in junction with the task meta class specifies everything except for the communication with the simulated robot. Task objects and robot files are saved in urdf format in the data folder and read by pybullet which composes the simulation environment. Agent files are stored in agents folder, test scripts are also included.